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Speaking & Training

“Mrs. Shantera Chatman perfectly related her stories to the conversation and questions
presented from the audience.”

Change Mindset
HUB Certified
WBENC Certified

“I liked how Shantera gave so many real-life examples of handling situations in a professional manner.”

Speaking Demos


Mind Shifts and Behavioral Transformation

Making a lasting behavior change is a complex process. It usually involves a substantial commitment of time, effort, and emotion. To succeed in changing behaviors, one must understand the elements of change and be willing to journey through each stage. There also needs to be a commitment to mental resiliency to allow appropriate shifts. After this interactive series, participants will have the necessary tools to acknowledge and mitigate change in a way that fosters both personal and professional growth.

Click below to learn how you can bring this one-of-a-kind series to your classroom, conference room, or auditorium.

Keynote & Workshop Topics

Each workshop covers a fundamental aspect of doing the critical work of an ally by challenging participants to be transparent; deeply listen to stories different than their own; and co-create action plans that are reflective of the changes that are desired within their organization. Each session can be delivered in-person or virtually as a keynote or a multi-day workshop.

Mind Shifts: Building Resilience

Understanding the stages of change is just the first step. Lasting transformation requires intentional mental shifts that foster personal growth and enable sustained behavioral change. Key elements such as focus, agility, and self-awareness—particularly self-awareness—form the foundation of mental resilience. Developing this resilience allows individuals to make the critical mind shifts necessary to lead authentically and build trust within their teams. Without these shifts, the behavioral changes required to evolve into an effective and trusted leader remain out of reach. In this session, participants will engage to understand the mental shifts required for lasting change.

Inclusive Leadership

Inclusive leaders bring together the talents and viewpoints of people with many different backgrounds, see and value the uniqueness of everyone, and lead all to create the best company or organization. In this session, Shantera shares how inclusive leadership that encourages diversity is proven to make companies more successful. These leaders reach and respond to a larger team. They also ensure that groups are heard, respected, valued, and retained. These factors make inclusive leadership a valuable asset to an organization.

Cultural Humility: The Better Road to Competence

Cultural humility is an approach to sociocultural differences that is "self-first." It emphasizes intersectionality and understanding one's own implicit biases. This approach cultivates self-awareness and self-reflection, bringing a respectful willingness to learn to inter-personal interactions. Cultivating cultural humility means entering conversations with others in an open, curious manner. This curiosity is not directed towards others as much as it is toward yourself and where your own shortcomings lie. In this session, participants will understand how cultural humility and cultural competency work together to stretch organizations to recognize power dynamics and imbalances.

“So relatable, amazing conversations, dignified. Loved her.”

“Being transparent is the most effective way to communicate and you did that...thank you!”

“I liked how she listened and interacted with everyone.”

“Shantera was very motivational and powerful.”

Marketing Videos

KTRK ABC13 Houston Interview: 1 Year After George Floyd's Murder
Black Woman Magic: The Power of Our Leadership and Voices Inside and  Outside of Corporate America."
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